Valerie Green

Windows Recall has been delayed

Windows Recall has been delayed

Microsoft’s plans to release Windows Recall have been delayed. The feature was originally supposed to be added to Windows 11 Copilot+ PCs by an update but the release has been delayed. Windows Recall is a feature designed to let users quickly revisit webpages and other content they’ve previously looked at.  Recall takes a screenshot every […]

Ransomware – The Importance of Prevention

Ransomware – The Importance of Prevention

If you’ve been affected by ransomware, it can be tempting to pay the ransom to get your files back. This is what the attacker wants and therefore they want you to think that paying will get your files back. The problem, however, is that once an attacker has your files, they are under no compulsion […]

Windows 11 24H2 Update Won’t Boot on Old Hardware

Windows 11 24H2 Update Won’t Boot on Old Hardware

An upcoming Windows 11 update will mean that Windows 11 will no longer boot on some old machines. Windows 11 has specific requirements for installation, but it is currently possible to bypass the requirements and install Windows 11 anyway.  If your computer doesn’t meet Microsoft’s official requirements, however, Microsoft will not provide support if anything […]

New Year Refresh

New Year Refresh

Unleash the Potential of Your Old Computer! Did Santa bring you a shiny new computer this Christmas? We can help you set it up and customise it to suit your needs perfectly.  Wondering what to do with your old one? Don’t let it gather dust! Your old computer can still serve a purpose and bring […]

Windows Copilot

Windows Copilot

The 23H2 update for Windows 11 enables Windows Copilot, which uses AI to assist the user in their tasks. Let’s take a closer look at what that means. Copilot is Microsoft’s new assistant integrated into Windows, Edge, Bing, and Microsoft 365. Copilot has already been available for Bing for several months now. What Copilot does […]

Windows 11 23H2 Update and Windows Copilot

Windows 11 23H2 Update and Windows Copilot

The 23H2 update for Windows 11 is now available. The most anticipated feature enabled by this update is Windows Copilot, an AI-based assistant tool. It also comes with other features, including a taskbar that is now more optimised for touch when using 2-in-1 devices, improvements to how uninstalling programs is handled, and new features for […]

COVE Backup: M365 now includes Teams

COVE Backup: M365 now includes Teams

Good news for our Protect-IT customers! Our COVE Backup: M365 solution has now been expanded to cover Teams as well.  If you’re already getting regular, secure backups through us, you don’t need to do anything to get this new protection; it will begin automatically. For more information on why a full backup solution like the […]

WordPad End of Life

WordPad End of Life

After nearly 30 years of including it with Windows, Microsoft is now planning to remove WordPad from Windows. As of now, WordPad will stop receiving updates and a future update will remove it from Windows altogether. Microsoft haven’t stated how soon this will happen, but knowing it is on the horizon will enable users to […]