Category: Security

Windows Recall has been delayed

Windows Recall has been delayed

Microsoft’s plans to release Windows Recall have been delayed. The feature was originally supposed to be added to Windows 11 Copilot+ PCs by an update but the release has been delayed. Windows Recall is a feature designed to let users quickly revisit webpages and other content they’ve previously looked at.  Recall takes a screenshot every […]

Ransomware – The Importance of Prevention

Ransomware – The Importance of Prevention

If you’ve been affected by ransomware, it can be tempting to pay the ransom to get your files back. This is what the attacker wants and therefore they want you to think that paying will get your files back. The problem, however, is that once an attacker has your files, they are under no compulsion […]

Facebook Jackpot Project – Beware of this Scam

Facebook Jackpot Project – Beware of this Scam

One of the most popular scams on Facebook is to send messages from a compromised account to that user’s friends, aiming to trick them into following dangerous links, revealing sensitive data, or sending money to the scammer. One example of this is the ‘Facebook Jackpot Project’, which claims to be a lottery in which users […]

Concerns About TotalAV

Concerns About TotalAV

Recently we’ve heard concerns about TotalAV, one of the myriad antivirus and computer security programs on the market. It’s been noted that other antivirus software can in fact block the TotalAV website. It’s highly unusual for antivirus or web protection software to block other antivirus sites, as only dangerous sites are supposed to be blocked. […]

.zip Domain Security Concerns

.zip Domain Security Concerns

Google’s latest extension of web addresses has been met with concerns about potential attacks. People who deal in cybersecurity products have had reactions that range from eye-rolling to banging heads on desks. So, what’s this all about and why is it a problem? Google has recently launched eight new Top-Level Domains, for Dads, Grads, and […]

Atomic MacOS Stealer

Atomic MacOS Stealer

Recently, Mac users have been reporting a new type of malware designed for MacOS. The malware, known as Atomic MacOS Stealer, impersonates legitimate software installation programs.  When run on a computer, it displays a prompt for the user’s password, claiming to need it for installation. It then uses this password to steal data from the […]

LastPass Security Update

LastPass have released a new update about security incidents involving attacks on their password management solution. The official release can be read here. In summary, the incidents have involved compromising machines used by developers. No passwords have been known to be accessed from these incidents, however it is still considered a good idea to review […]